Checking for Errors in Linux Systems

You can check for errors in your Linux system using the dmesg command.

The dmesg command provides a convenient way to examine the kernel ring buffer, which stores messages generated by the kernel during the boot process and while the system is running.

To display errors, use the -l (level) option with dmesg, followed by the name of the level.

For example:

sudo dmesg -l err,crit

You can use the following levels:

emerg: The system is unusable.
alert: Action must be taken immediately.
crit: Critical conditions.
err: Error conditions.
warn: Warning conditions.
notice: Normal but significant conditions.
info: Informational messages.
debug: Debug-level messages.

To search messages related to a specific keyword, you can use the grep command:

sudo dmesg | grep -i keyword

For example:

sudo dmesg | grep -i sda